Starting Pre-School
Parents are the first educators of young children and our Pre-School encourages working in partnership with parents at all times. We aim to make the setting a welcoming place, where children settle quickly and easily, consideration is given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families. We will usually visit you & your child in your home before the child begins pre-school, this gives us chance to get to know you and your child.
We will then talk to parents/carers about how best to settle your child into Pre-School, following our settling in policy. Usually we encourage parents to bring their child for 2 hours in their chosen session in the first week; this enables your child to get to know adults and other children, without the pressure of a full session.
Younger children often take longer to settle in, as will children who have not previously spent time away from home. We believe a child to be settled in, when they have formed a healthy attachment with their key person; for example, the child looks for the key person when he/she arrives, goes to them for comfort, and seems pleased to be with them.
The child is also familiar with where resources are, participates in activities and is happy to be with other children. It is important for the parents and Pre-School staff to work together to help the child to feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than for others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle.
Collecting Your Child
Children must be brought into Pre-School and collected by a responsible adult (over the age of 16 years old). If someone else will be collecting your child, please inform a member of staff as soon as possible as we will challenge an adult if we have not been notified and will request direct confirmation from you before we allow the child to leave with them.
In the unlikely event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult, we will attempt to contact you before following the appropriate procedures and policy.
Attendance & Illness
Please do not bring your child to the Pre-School if you suspect that they are suffering for an infectious illness or if they have a high temperature. Children who are suffering from diarrhoea and/or sickness must be clear of the symptoms for at least 48 hours before returning to the Pre-School. This is to prevent the spread of the infection to other children.
If your child will not be attending Pre-School, either due to illness or another reason, please notify a member of staff as soon as possible.
If your child is absent, the full amount is still required to be paid; this is because your child has an allocated session. Any exceptions are at the Manager’s discretion.
What to Wear
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with various materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable or not too new. Pre-school sweatshirts and t-shirts are on sale-please ask a member of staff for further information.
Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they need to. We do take the children out in all weathers so please ensure they are dressed appropriately, in the summer that they have a hat and sun cream on.
Polo shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo on are available in the pre-school. Please see a member of staff.
Practical Points
Please do not bring your child in flip flops or jelly shoes, as they are dangerous when on physical equipment and when walking long distances.
Please do not send your child to Pre-School with sweets, toys or money.
Please consider marking your child’s name into items of clothing such coats, jackets, cardigans and sweatshirts so that missing and/or stray items can easily be identified and returned.
Our newsletters will be available below:
Term dates 2024/202
Last day Friday 24th May 2024
Return Monday 3rd June 2024
Last day Thursday 18th July (party/graduation day)
Autumn term
Return Wednesday 4th September 2024
last day Friday 18th October 2024
Return Monday 4th November 2024
last day Friday 20th December 2024
Return Monday 6th January 2025
Last day Friday 14th February2025
Return Monday 24th February 2025
Last day Thursday 10th April 2025
Return Tuesday 22nd April 2025
(These dates are subject to training days)